Our Voices Resound


Based on testimony and song from “Protest in Harmony”, a radical choir in Edinburgh, Our Voices Resound tells an ongoing story of activism and struggle through singing. It offers fresh insight to the long relationship between music and politics, and intersperses personal and intimate stories to the broader context and collective experience of singing and activism.

The film reflects on the significance of singing radical songs, the community aspects of belonging to an inclusive group, the politics of enabling people’s voices, and the intervention of public spaces to perform and create awareness about current issues. Like constant dripping wears away stone, persistent collective singing can be a powerful, peaceful and positive force for change in the world.



Tech Specs

Lenght: 51′
Year: 2018
Country: Scotland
Language: English
Subtitles: SpanishEspañol
Directors: Eileen Karmy and Martín Farías
Production: Eileen Karmy
Additional sound: José Rojas
Editing advisors: David Sierra and Melinda Hüttl
Postproduction: Palimpsesto
Graphic Design: Otro Aire Comunicaciones
Screenings: Adam House Theatre, Edinburgh; Jim’s Bar, Queen Margaret Union, Glasgow; Grassmarket Community Centre, Edinburgh; Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh; Street Music Conference, Norwich.