

Found footage, grainy film stock, and family archives at the core of this short documentary. The story of anarcha-feminist Dolores Iturbe Arizcuren is brought to the screen nearly 30 years after her death. A shifting step back into time, exploring women’s place during the Spanish Revolution, Civil War and exile. The private? The public? How can woman’s writing shape the understanding of those times through the female gaze?

A short documentary made for the UAB – Master’s Degree in Creative Documentary Making. Directed by Elda Ortíz Rivas, Allison Figueroa Rojas and Martín Farías.

UAB – Master’s Degree in Creative Documentary Making



Tech Specs

Duración: 22′
Año: 2020
Country: Spain
Language: English / Spanish
Subtitles: English / Spanish
Format: Digital file / DCP
Direction: Allison Figueroa Rojas, Elda Ortiz Rivas y Martín Farías
Music: Martín Farías
Production: UAB – Máster en Teoría y Práctica del Documental Creativo.
Screenings: DOcs-U Docs Barcelona 2021, European Observatory on Memories; memory, cinema, women, Barcelona 2022